P I V O T 2 C H A N G E
Transformation Through Thoughts
214-945-9700 | Email: jsado@pivot2change.com

Advantages Of Using Fractional Sales/Brand & Engagement Strategist Over Internal Employees
Because we often solve the problem more quickly, get better results, and are less expensive over the long term.​​
Behind all the decisions you make in your everyday life. big or small, are driven by your emotions that are based from all your life's experiences that are stored in your subconscious mind.
Genuine change only happens through a decision that is cohesive with the heart and mind. Our inner-talk is like a whisper in our head that is continually telling us about ourselves, using our past as the imagery.
Many companies are living in the past with how they interact with employees, show up in the market place, and how they sell.
This is why so many people say they want to be (You Name it) and repeat the same actions in life with the concept of "One day, I will...".
Julian's mission is to influence individuals and companies by studying each one's own dogma, their personal stories and help them show a side of themselves that draws the RIGHT people to their organization or products.
This revolutionary way of thinking will have a positive impact on individuals and companies' employee retention, brand, and business leadership.

I Have More Industry Experience
I bring a breadth of industry knowledge that most internal employees simply don't have. Having worked with over 40 companies, and multiple industries, one thing that is consistent is the individual mindset as it relates to change.
While internal teams have deep expertise about their specific company's operations and history, consultants have the advantage of wider exposure across multiple organizations. We understand the broader trends, challenges, and best practices not just in one firm but across the entire marketplace.
This outside perspective allows consultants to identify what's working well globally, not just internally. We can see the bigger picture of the forces shaping your industry and provide recommendations tailored to that wider context. An employee embedded within one company often lacks that helicopter view of the competitive landscape. Leverage your position as an impartial outsider to share an elevated perspective on what will drive success for your clients now and in the future based on moves their savviest competitors are making. Your view beyond company walls provides rare insight they can't get from long-time internal teams.
I Have An Objective Perspective
Internal employees often self-censor instead of speaking openly. They ration each word carefully, agonizing over how their suggestions might impact their standing, credibility, or job security within the company. Even innovative ideas get trapped behind their fears of making a wrong move.
In contrast, as a consultant you have the freedom to share unfiltered recommendations, no matter how unconventional. You don't have a political position to protect or lose. Companies hire you expressly to bring an outsider's perspective, which research shows is more objective and accurate. They want you to challenge established ways of thinking that may have grown stale or complacent.
In fact, your greatest value is in your willingness to shake things up. As an impartial third party without ties to internal players or history, you can diagnose problems that insiders may struggle to even identify due to their proximity and assumptions. Like a doctor assessing a patient, you provide an neutral analysis based purely on symptoms, data, and best practices - not personalities, politics, or second-guessing how your advice may rock the boat.
Leaders recognize the inherent risks employees face in bringing honest feedback. They trust consultants to say the unsaid, to boldly call out elephants in the room, to spotlight what needs fixing. So bring your boldest ideas to the table without hesitation. Your outspokenness is exactly why they hired you.
I Am A Lower Risk
It’s less risky for companies to hire a consultant than it is to hire a full-time employee.
The financial risk of bringing on a full-time employee is exponentially higher compared to a consultant. Consider the costs associated with hiring an employee:
Ongoing salary and benefits expenses
Severance payouts if things don't work out
Investments in training and onboarding
Months of productivity loss transitioning roles
Expensive headhunter fees to restart the hiring process
Now multiply those costs if the hire ends up being the wrong fit.
In contrast, consultants are paid for the discrete value they provide - not ongoing overhead. You charge clients only for the specific expertise and results delivered, not nebulous promises of potential long-term impact. The scope is defined on both sides.
Leaders recognize employees carry more uncertainty, demands on company resources, and disruption if those risks don't pan out. With consultants, the investment directly aligns to the goals achieved. The financial exposure is transparent and contained. This makes bringing specialist consultants on board far less risky than gambling on a full-time hire. Play up this appealing risk-reward ratio you offer relative to salaried employees.